Monday, June 1, 2009

It was ten years ago when I became bulimic. I had always worried about my weight and how I looked. I always thought I looked fat, no matter what the scale showed or anyone said. But I had never made myself throw up — not until after college. That was a hard time for me. Living on my own and a new job were more than I could handle. I turned to food to feel more in control of my life. Sometimes, I'd eat a lot of food and throw it up. Other times, I'd throw up a normal meal. At the time, it seemed like the only way I could cope. Luckily, I got help from a friend who talked to me about my problem. It took a lot of work. But I am better now.
People with bulimia worry alot about gaining weight. They also become moody or sad and often do not wan't to go out with friends.

What causes bulimia:

  • A binge can set of dieting or stress

  • A binge is over-eating

  • Painful emotions such as stress, anger, or saddness can also bring on binging

  • This disease people think help them ease stress when you are actually doing yourself bad and give you stress

  • There is no known cause of bulmia

People with bulimia can get better:

  • There is alot of medical care with this disease

  • Doctor's provide medical care

  • A nutritionist will give you a healthy eating pattern

  • A thearapist will help you throughout your thoughts and feelings

  • Anti-depression pills

  • Chances of getting better are greater when bulimia is found early

  • Very dangerous problem

I have found a link to this person that had bulimia 10 years ago at top of page:)

Number's of help:

National Institue of Mental Health (NIMH), NIH, HHS


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